Naveen’s Powerwall


I understand your curiosity, Some of you already know about this product, some are already using it.

Product Line-Up is coming soon | Page under construction.


Requirement Analysis

Getting a product and realizing that its not what I need and regretting is not new. Our expert team is aimed to reduce this experience.


For the pin pointed requirement, we search for the product line-up or come up with the customized product to solve your needs of energy storage.


A battery that powers your house through any outage
A battery that runs your electric two wheeler with 100+kms range

We got both aspects covered.

End Point Solution

You heard it right.

The batteries are installed in the desired application area by the same company that has the expertise to build the battery.



Lithium based
Wall Mountable
Asthetic & Modular
Premium Home Energy Storage
Use in Business & Office
Works With Solar Power
Off-Grid Supported

E-Bike Batteries

Premium Batteries for New Vehicles
Min Range: 100kms/charge
Max Range: 198kms/charge

Upgrades Available For Existing vehicles
Fast Swapping Support


Multi-Level Fail Proofing
More robust and SPOF-Proof
Superior innovation
Programmable lithium battery


Repairable Lithium Battery Packs
No need to scrap battery every 5 years
15 years Long Term Support [LTS]
Fit & Forget Class Product
AMC availability

Something in Progress

“Silence Is Golden”

Eco Edition

Coming Soon

Amazing Home Edition

Coming Soon

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